As a Food Bank, your heart is dedicated to serving your community by ensuring that everyone has access to the food they need for a healthy life.
This is no small task and requires the unwavering support of a dedicated team. Your volunteers are the backbone of your organization, working tirelessly to accomplish your goals.
That’s why we partner with you, providing essential tools to help you effectively engage with your volunteers. From streamlined communication to efficient scheduling, our volunteer management software empowers you to make a lasting impact. Together, you can create a stronger, healthier community — one meal at a time.
How We Help
Online Volunteer Self-Scheduling
On-Site & Mobile Device Sign-in / Sign-out
Comprehensive Group & Reservation Management
Multi-Day Scheduling for Warehouse Shifts
Automatic Email & Text Reminders
Printed Volunteer Nametags
Custom Data Reports
Volunteer Awards & Badges
a few of the Food banks we work with
Voted “Best Organization to Volunteer” in Colorado Springs, discover how CERVIS has helped Care and Share Food Bank transform their volunteer program. Learn More —>